HDC Summer Lecture: Our Latest Landmarks
Pencil Building.
The Historic District Council's first lecture in in its 2008 Summer Lecture Series features some Greenpoint flavor (and some industrial DUMBO goodness).
Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 6:00pm
Neighborhood Preservation Center, 232 East 11th Street, Manhattan
Our Latest Landmarks: Recent & Upcoming New York City Historic Districts
HDC’s Executive Director Simeon Bankoff will present an overview of recently designated and calendared historic districts throughout New York City, as well as what’s next in the pipeline. This panel will feature some of the city’s most hard-working preservation activists as they discuss the landmarking process from a community perspective. Participants will include Doreen Gallo of the DUMBO Neighborhood Association; Paul Kerzner of the Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation; Martina Salisbury, a tenant of the Eberhard Faber Pencil Company Historic District and preservation advocate; and a representative from the NoHo community.
The lecture is free, and there is a reception to follow. But space is limited, so reservations are required. RSVP at 212-614-9107 or kmorith [at] hdc [dot] org