BRT Power Plant Coming Down
BRT Kent Avenue Powerhouse, scaffolded and ready for demolition
Friday's amNY broke the not-very-surprising news that Con Edison is going to demolish the former Brooklyn Rapid Transit power plant. Con Edison had claimed earlier that it was only cleaning out the plant, located on Kent Avenue, just south of Division Avenue. That assertion came in response to some very nice reporting by the local blog I'm Not Sayin', I'm Just Sayin', which first noticed the work and was able to unearth some old photos and history on the building.
The building, which sits on the East River facing the Brooklyn Navy Yard, had already been nominated for Landmark designation by WGPA member Mary Habstritt. The Landmarks Commission reviewed the request at staff level and decided that the building did not meet the Commission's "current priorities". In the amNY article, a Landmarks spokesperson said that decision could be revisited, but with demolition now underway, it seems a bit late for that.
In addition to the amNY article, there was a lively discussion in a related post at Brownstoner, as well as an earlier article in the Brooklyn Papers (in which Con Ed asserted that the work at the site was "just cleaning up"). But the best source of information (including some great historic images) remains INSIJS's original post and his follow ups.