Eberhard Faber Designation Report
59 Kent Street (ca. 1910: F. Nelson, architect).
Photo: moufle
The Landmarks Preservation Commission has posted its designation report for the Eberhard Faber Historic District (warning: pdf link). As usual, LPC has done good and diligent work, nailing down dates and locating architects (although the report neglects to mention buildings such as this that were excluded from the district as the result of some prophylactic demolition.
Among the interesting items, LPC has learned that 60 - 64 Kent Street was designed by well-known Brooklyn architect Theobald Engelhardt in 1895. Engelhardt designed hundreds of buildings in north Brooklyn during his career (sound familiar?), including St. John's Evangelical Church on nearby Milton Street (in the Greenpoint Historic District). He also designed the North Side Bank at 31 Grand Street and the Weidemann Cooperage at North 12th and Wythe Avenue, two buildings that WGPA is advocating for Landmark designation (oh, and the Old Dutch Mustard Building (RIP).)
The Eberhard Faber designation, which the Landmarks Commission approved on 30 October, still has to be approved by the City Council.