Domino Designation: Press

Domino Sugar, main refinery building.
In the papers:
NY Post
"Domino really became a symbol to us," said local activist Mikki Halpin, who organized a benefit concert over the summer to raise money to preserve the complex. "It would be great if we could save this one little piece of waterfront, have one place where the paint is still peeling."
"What drew people originally to the area was the human scale of the neighborhood," said industrial archeologist Mary Habstritt. "It is nothing like what the developers are planning."Sun
Staten Island Advance
AP (via Houston Chronicle)
On the interweb:
and Curbed
Last but not least, in dessert land:
And GowanusLounge has a very spot-on analysis of what it all means (and, significantly, what it doesn't mean).
Comments (2)
I told that guy it wasn't a fundraiser, but whatever. Yay for designation!
Posted by mikki | September 30, 2007 2:34 PM
Posted on September 30, 2007 14:34
just browsing thru the articles here. my father, michael v. lombardo, worked for domino sugar for over 40 yrs. he would be 88yrs old if alive today. he began working there around 1948 i believe. i was born in 1955 and remember well visiting him there and mrs pinkney, the staff nurse. i can also remember going on domino sugar picnics in new jersey. we would all meet at the kent street entrance and then board a bus commissioned by the company that would whisk us off to a lovely setting for food, music, swimming and fun. i for one would like to see the building still standing 40 yrs from now. i would like to take my grandchildren there and say, 'you see, that is where your great grandpa used to work'.
Posted by marie armone | July 22, 2008 11:02 AM
Posted on July 22, 2008 11:02