Greenway Planning Workshop
(Photo: myersschecter)
From the folks at the Greenway Planning Initiative:
Eleven miles of the waterfront bikeway have been planned. Your three miles have not. Come out and make it happen!
What: Greenway Planning Workshop for Greenpoint & Williamsburg
When: Thursday, May 24th, 6:00 PM
Where: Brooklyn Brewery, 79 North 11th St. (L train to Bedford Ave)Creating a dedicated bikeway parallel to the waterfront will be a challenge. It is also a unique opportunity to demonstrate new principles for urban transportation and design that encourage non-motorized transportation. A successful outcome will be historic for New York.
Your voice and your ideas are needed to make it happen. Register today at info[at] Space is limited.
Get a glimpse of the vision in this clip from the "Fifth Annual Future Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Bike Tour".
Read about it on Streetsblog -
A free beer tasting will follow the workshop!