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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 16, 2007 1:28 PM.

Berry & North 7th

Williamsburg and Greenpoint have a rich and colorful history of faux siding, which unfortunately continues to this day.

Case in point - this building at the corner of Berry & North 7th Streets. A fine Italianate flat house that had an intact pressed brick facade is now covered over in styrofoam and stucco. The detail is still there, but smudged over and barely legible.

Regrettably, this cheesy "California stucco" applique has become the faux siding of choice for the 21st century. Like its predecessors - asphalt, aluminum and vinyl - this system is a band aid when it comes to "weatherproofing". But unlike those other systems, "California stucco" is very difficult to undo. In this case, for instance, the styrofoam is glued directly to 130-year-old brick.

Yet another reason why North Brooklyn needs the Landmarks Preservation Commission to take some action.






PS - If anyone has a picture of this building before the owner began work, please email it to us.

Comments (2)


Some say ignorance is bliss, but I see it as dangerous.

The brick building had the look of character and history.

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Eberhard Faber

